
education and training programme معنى

  • برنامج التعليم والتدريب
  • education    n. ثقافة, تربية ( ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • training    n. فترة تدريبية, ت ...
  • programme    n. برنامج, برنامج ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. education and social policy department معنى
  2. education and teaching section معنى
  3. education and the lgbt community معنى
  4. education and training committee معنى
  5. education and training occupations معنى
  6. education and training programme for namibians معنى
  7. education articles by importance معنى
  8. education articles by quality معنى
  9. education awards معنى
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